Community Forum on Ending Homelessness in Ottawa
RA Centre
2451 Riverside Dr
NOTE: Having reached capacity, registration is now closed. Email us ( to have your name added to a Waitlist. The Alliance to End Homelessness presents the 12th annual Community Forum on Ending Homelessness in Ottawa. The Forum provides a rich opportunity to engage with local and national leaders, enabling dialogue between research and practice. Join us at our Forum as we grow our collective knowledge to inform local action and policy - and together take the next step into Ottawa's own 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness.
Morning Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Travis P. Baggett, MD Dr. Travis P Baggett, MD: faculty clinician-investigator in the Massachusetts General Hospital, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and a staff physician at the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. Dr. Baggett's research focuses on the health of homeless people, with an emphasis on addictive behaviors and their medical consequences in this population. More on Dr. Baggett here. .
Closing Keynote Speaker:
Leilani Farha, UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing Leilani Farha: Executive Director of the NGO Canada without Poverty and UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing. A lawyer by training, for the past 20 years Ms. Farha has worked both internationally and domestically on the implementation of the right to adequate housing for the most marginalized groups. In her current work she continues to promote a human rights based approach to poverty. Internationally, Ms. Farha has actively participated in a number of missions around the world to examine the status of housing rights and to assist in developing policy responses for the implementation of these rights. Within the UN human rights system, she helped spearhead the first resolution regarding women and the right to adequate housing. Ms. Farha has also undertaken numerous consultancies related to housing rights; she has appeared before various UN human rights mechanisms to address economic, social and cultural rights issues; and she was a member of the Advisory Group on Forced Evictions for UNHabitat.Program Highlights:
8:45 Welcome + Opening9:00: Morning Keynote: Dr. Travis P Baggett10:15: Plenary Panel: Why are some people less healthy than others....and what can we do about it?Following our morning plenary with its focus on the fragile health status of individuals who are homeless, our panel will continue the conversation with some reflections on what can influence or contribute to health inequity in our community. Rob Boyd, director of Oasis; Len Moore, a physician at Sandy Hill Community Health Centre; and Rebecca Cherner, a clinical psychologist and postdoctoral fellow from the University of Ottawa will all bring their unique professional experiences to the table. Questions and feedback from the audience will be welcome.11:45: Lunch / Table Talks / Poster PresentationsTable Talks provide an opportunity for agencies, organizations and researchers (including students!) to share information about a promising practice or program, recent research or evaluation findings, an agency update, or other ideas in a small group setting.Posters from local organizations and researchers sharing their work will also be on display(Open call for submissions for Table Talks and Poster Presentations. Deadline November 6th, more information can be found here (Table Talks and Poster Presentations Invitation)1:00: Concurrent Workshops: From 1:00 - 1:50, and again from 2:00 to 2:50, Forum Participants will be invited to select from a number of concurrent break-out sessions. The following 8 sessions will be offered, with details on each available by clicking here.
Engaging youth through Participatory Action Research: Film-making
Access to Justice and Ottawa's Ticket Defense Program
Planning for Affordable Housing
Finding homes for refugees arriving in Ottawa
The PROMPT Study: 'Participatory Research in Ottawa, Management and Point-of-care of Tobacco'
Day Programs in Ottawa's Ten-Year Plan
A Way Home Ottawa: Building a community of support to prevent and end youth homelessness in Ottawa
Inspirations for catalyzing affordable housing development: Learning from other communities to broaden the base of support for affordable housing in Ottawa
3:00 Closing Keynote: Leilani FarhaRegistration InformationNOTE: If you are experiencing difficulties registering online (below), please contact the Alliance by telephone (613-241-1573 x 314) or email (info @ -- and we'll get you registered! External funding for previous Community Forums was made available via the Homelessness Partnering Strategy. As this funding was not available this year, the Alliance is grateful to various community sponsors - organizations identified below - for their generous financial support of the 2015 Forum. To ensure remaining 2015 Forum costs are covered, Forum participants (for example, those registering with their organization's support) are also encouraged, as able, to make a $40 or $20 contribution, upon registration. Of course, all are welcome at the Community Forum! Those unable to make a financial contribution are welcome to register via the no-cost ticket option.2015 Forum SponsorsWe are grateful to our 2015 Forum organizational sponsors, including:* Canadian Mental Health Association - Ottawa Branch* Ottawa Inner City Health * John Howard Society of Ottawa* Shepherds of Good Hope
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$20 Contribution
$40 Contribution