FORGE: FREE Tax Workshop for Artists & Creatives
Toronto City Hall
FORGE: FREE Tax Workshop for Artists and Creatives
July 6, 6:30-8:30pm, Committee Room #1, Toronto City Hall (100 Queen St.W)
Presented by Akin Projects and XPace Cultural Centre
Be better at doing your taxes next year! What can I claim on my taxes? How do I deal with donating artwork? How do I handle my grants and T4s? What receipts do I hold onto? Led by ArtBooks, participants will discuss financial management, getting organized for next year's tax season and then preparing yourself for the future!
Participants will learn how to organize T4 slips, deal with RRSP receipts and investments to save for the future; various book keeping strategies, expense declarations and write offs; tax installments and much more to help get you organize your finances and focus on your passion.