Amira Medunjanin Chicago
4626 N Knox Ave, Chicago, IL 60630, USA
Koncertni spektakl godine!
Zlatni glas Balkana, Amira Medunjanin, nakon rasprodatih koncerata na četiri kontinenta, nastupiće 10.maja u dvorani Irish American Heritage centra u Chicagu, sa početkom od 8pm.
Karte po ceni od $60 u prodaji na, kao i na prodajnim mestima širom Čikaga i okoline.
Nije lako naći pravu reč koja bi na engleskom jeziku opisala koncept SEVDAHA. Ona podrazumeva više značenja - ljubav, beznadežnu ljubav, beskonačnu ljubav, želju koja opija ljubavnika kao malarija, zaraza koja ga ne pušta do smrti. Možda je najbolje reći da je SEVDAH način života koji se teško da opisati, koji se naprosto mora doživeti.
Amira je rođena u Sarajevu u vreme kada je popularnost tradicionalne muzike bila na vrhuncu. Sevdalinke koje je naučila od majke su bile najlepša stvar u toj tradiciji. Njena fascinacija "bosanskim bluzom" vodila je dalje, u kreiranju jedinstvenog glasa kojim je istraživala dubinu muzičke zagonetke koja je postojala vekovima pre nje. Provela je godine istražujući puteve da na svoj, jedinstveni način, predstavi to nasleđe budućim generacijama.
I uspela je u tome. Iza nje su koncerti na četiri kontinenta, rasprodate sale u kojima se publika iz zemalja bivše Jugoslavije odavno pomešala sa znatiželjnicima svih boja i nacija, željnih da kroz muziku i jedinstveni glas Amire Medunjanin osete duh Balkana, najbolje što ovaj deo sveta ima da ponudi.
Ne propustite priliku da prisustvujete koncertu koji ćete pamtiti ceo svoj život!
Vidimo se!
The Golden Voice of the Balkans, Amir Medunjanin, will be performing on 10th of May at the Irish American Heritage Center in Chicago, starting at 8pm, after the sold out concerts on four continents.
It is not easy to find a single word in English that can stand for the Bosnian concept of SEVDAH, although yearning perhaps comes closest. Like the Spanish duende, it carries multiple meanings – love, hopeless love, endless love, a desire that chills and fevers the lover like malaria, and like malaria can never be shaken off – but in the end, it’s a way of life, and a narrative that tells the story of itself.
Amira was born in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) at the time when the popularity of traditional music in the former Yugoslavia was at the high tide, and sevdah held a special place for her. The sevdalinke (sevdah songs) she learned from her mother were the most beautiful of songs. Her fascination with the oral tradition of Bosnia and Herzegovina led her to devote herself to creating a unique voice within sevdalinke to explore their expressive capacity to the full. She had spent years searching in vain for to find people who shared her ideas about Sevdah, and for the best way to present it.
Dubbed “Bosnia’s Billie Holiday” by music journalist and author Garth Cartwright, the comparison reflects the way in which Amira turns sevdah inside out, finding new contexts and forms within a tradition that is hundreds of years old.
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Amira Medunjanin Chicago