Barbells & Beers 2017 - Co-ed Partner Competition
Crossfit 908
10 Summit Ave, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922, USA
New Jersey
Facebook Event Page:
CrossFit 908 is partnering up with Two Roads Brewing Co. to bring you an awesome one day co-ed partner competition. The event will have three scheduled workouts and one floater workout. There are two divisions in this event - Rx and Scaled. We plan to run the day on a tight schedule and anticipate finishing no later than 3pm. Two Roads is planning a cool down after party at Stirling Hotel's Beer Garden where we hope you will all join us for some non-exercise fun. Two Roads beer will be on tap at the Stirling Hotel, and all athletes will receive a ticket for a free Two Roads beer at the after party.
Also 30% of the event's proceeds will be donated to the March of Dimes Foundation which raises money to help prevent birth defects, premature births, and infant mortality. Our son, Liam, was born 7-weeks early in December 2015. We know that the care he received today was not available 10-20 years ago, and we want to help ensure that going forward that care continues to improve.
The day is slotted to be a ton of fun with events that truly rely on you and your partner working as a team. We look forward to a great event!
Registration includes a t-shirt and beer per athlete.
Workout 1 - "Merry Go Round" (Video standard)For time (8 min time cap):
Cal Assault Bike (Rx=80/Sx=50)
20 rope climbs (Sx = mod rope climb)
30 synchronized thrusters (Rx=115/75#, Sx=85/55#)
*Partners can work on bike and rope climbs at same time, but must complete both before moving to thrusters)
Workout 2 - "Equal Opportunity" (Video standard)For time (10 min time cap):
21-15-9 reps of -
Synchronized Toe to Bar (Sx=synchronized sit up with 14# wallball)
Partner Deadlift (Rx=315, Sx=225#)
Partner Burpee over bar
Workout 3 - "Sharing is Caring" (Video standard)
AMRAP 9 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - etc. reps of (increasing by 5 reps each round)
Hang Power Cleans (Rx = 155/105#, Sx = 95/65#)
Box Jump Over (Rx = 24", Sx=20")
Handstand Push Up (Sx = Push Press @ 95/65#) * One partner works at a time, can break up reps however
Floater Workout - "The Stone Less Traveled"
For Time (Male first, then Female, Rx = 150/100#, Sx = 100/50#)
50' Shuttle Run Down, 50' Shuttle Run Back
50' Stone Carry
5 Stone Over Shoulder
50' Stone Carry
50' Shuttle Run Down, 50' Shuttle Run Back
Vendors include Two Roads Brewing, Vigorous Apparel, Nutrabio, Little Big, Lularoe, Lululemon, Kettlebell Kitchen, and Boxwood Coffee
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