Consortium/ CHOICES-Recovering From Benzodiazepine Use for Peer Specialists
411 RECO
411 S Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, USA virtual event
Welcome to Consortium/CHOICES and the Benzodiazepine Action Work Group training. This brand new 12 hour CHOICES training will cover the foundations of working with individuals who have lived benzodiazepine recovery, and places emphasis on the reduced power differential essential in peer service delivery. After an orientation to the underlying spirit and principles of support, practical exercises help participants to strengthen empathy skills, and gain an understanding of working with someone experiencing withdrawal symptoms from benzos as well as other drug specific characteristics of the recovery journey. This training was the work of the Benzodiazepine Action Work Group from the Colorado Consortium. We are capping of the training at 24.
1 in 5 Americans take benzodiazepines prescribed by a physician or psychiatrist, and many providers do not know enough about the drugs and their adverse effects. Benzodiazepines can cause physical dependence when taken continuously, and withdrawal from this class of medication can produce long-term life-altering consequences. This training will educate peers, counselors, and caregivers on benzodiazepines, their effects, tapering, and withdrawal.
This 12-hour training course is designed to educate peers, counselors, caregivers and providers on specialized information regarding benzodiazepine use, its associated complications such as withdrawal and BIND (protracted withdrawal), and how to support the individual as they taper, heal, and find wellness.
Most individuals who face the complications of benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction (BIND) have taken this medication as prescribed by a licensed physician. They experience severe symptoms and life alterations specific to physical dependence, an experience quite dissimilar to that of substance use disorder (SUD). When they seek support in the medical community they are often dismissed, misdiagnosed, or referred to SUD treatment.
So, they turn to their peers and online support groups for help — and that is where we come in. This course is designed to help those individuals by giving them the information, research, and tools they need to support this disenfranchised community. It has been designed to meet state certification standards and has been integrated into core recovery training as provided by established training organizations.
Recovering from Benzodiazepines for Peer Support was created by the Benzodiazepine Action Work Group (BAWG) and is the property of the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention. It is the result of over 12-months of development involving over 20 contributors from medical, training, SUD, and lived-experience backgrounds. It was developed in conjunction with Choices Trainings.
Peer Recovery Coaches
Case Workers
Community Workers
Social Workers
Family Court Workers
Anyone who wants to improve their communication skills!
Delivered virtually for two six-hour sessions. June 19th and June 26th, 2022 from 9 am - 5 pm
Must attend complete sessions and will receive 12 CEUs.
Choices Trainings is a:
COPA/CPFS Approved
NAADAC Approved Provider in 25 states, including Colorado.
MACPB Approved Provider No. 65423-EP
NYASP Approved Provider No. 21-006
Florida Certification Board Provider No. 5388
NAADAC Nov. 189704
New York Certification Board Provider No. 20210006
Choices Recovery Trainings is dedicated to providing intentional relatable trainings to increase knowledge around addiction and recovery and improve the outcome for everyone.
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