Dr Jay Shah - Central Sensitisation Course (Melbourne Vic)
189 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Simply put, this course will change the way you look at pain forever...If you are a clinician who treats chronic myofascial pain, then you NEED to get this information and the skills that go with it.
Myofascial Trigger Points, Chronic Neuro-musculoskeletal Pain and Central Sensitization:
Integrating Advancements in the Pain Sciences with Dry Needling and Electrical Stimulation Strategies
Jay P. Shah, MD
This comprehensive one-day workshop will explore the dynamic and pivotal roles that myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), sensitization, limbic system dysfunction and objective physical findings play in the evaluation and management of neuro-musculoskeletal pain conditions such as myofascial pain syndrome. Fascinating knowledge emerging from the pain sciences will be presented in a clinically accessible way. Workshop attendees will learn important diagnostic palpation skills together with dry needling and electrical stimulation techniques that enable the clinician to more effectively treat chronic myofascial pain and dysfunction, painful MTrPs and sensitized spinal segments.
Spinal segmental sensitization (SSS) is a hyperactive state of the dorsal horn caused by bombardment of nociceptive impulses. Painful MTrPs are a very common source of persistent nociception and sensitization that often results in SSS, facilitated segments and chronic myofascial pain.
Conversely, maladaptive changes in subcortical structures and dysfunctional descending inhibition may create somatic tissue abnormalities (e.g., tissue texture changes, tenderness, etc.) in addition to adversely impacting mood, affect and sleep. Either way, typical manifestations of the sensitized spinal segment include dermatomal allodynia/hyperalgesia, sclerotomal tenderness and MTrPs within the affected myotomes.
These objective and reproducible findings allow the clinician and patient to identify the affected spinal segment(s) that should be treated. Needling techniques (e.g., dry needling and paraspinal needling) and electrical stimulation techniques using a hand-held microcurrent machine will be discussed, demonstrated and practiced by attendees. These techniques deactivate painful MTrPs, desensitize affected nerve segments and neuro-modulate subcortical dysfunction, providing more permanent pain and symptom relief for patients with chronic myofascial pain and dysfunction. The diagnostic and treatment techniques presented in this workshop are applicable in the management of a variety of chronic neuro-musculoskeletal pain conditions commonly encountered in the clinic. Furthermore, course attendees will be able to immediately integrate them into their clinical practice.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this lecture, participants will be able to:
1) Examine the unique neurobiology of muscle pain and the dynamic interplay of muscle nociceptors and endogenous biochemicals in the initiation, amplification and perpetuation of peripheral and central sensitization
2) Palpate and distinguish active (i.e., spontaneously painful) MTrPs from latent MTrPs and identify the referred pain patterns commonly encountered in clinical practice
3) Demonstrate that active MTrPs have elevated levels of inflammatory mediators, neuropeptides, catecholamines and cytokines – substances known to be associated with inflammation, sensitization, inter-cellular communication and persistent pain states
4) Understand that nociceptive “afferent bombardment”, neurogenic inflammation, wide dynamic range neurons, subcortical structures (e.g., the limbic system) and dysfunctional descending inhibition play pivotal roles in muscle sensitization, pain chronification, somato-visceral interactions and the objective, reproducible physical findings of allodynia, hyperalgesia and referred pain patterns
5) Outline an Integrated Hypothesis for myofascial pain as a complex state of Neuro-muscular Dysfunction involving both peripheral and central factors
6) Understand how novel applications of ultrasound imaging can be used to visualize MTrPs and to measure their stiffness properties and local blood flow
7) Demonstrate that MTrPs in the upper trapezius are stiffer than surrounding tissue and that active MTrPs can be distinguished from latent MTrPs by their high-resistance blood flow and greater surface area
8) Demonstrate that dry needling of painful MTrPs leads to a significant decrease in pain and muscle stiffness and how ultrasound can be used as an objective and repeatable outcome measure for dry needling and other physical medicine treatments.
9) Discuss how muscle pain preferentially activates limbic system structures, providing a neuro-physiological basis for increased anxiety, fear and stress
10) Discuss the dynamic interplay of somato-visceral/viscero-somatic integration and spinal facilitation in the dorsal horn
11) Determine the reproducible physical manifestations of spinal segmental sensitization (involving dermatomes, myotomes and sclerotomes) observed in chronic myofascial pain
12) Design and practice an appropriate treatment algorithm (e.g., dry needling, paraspinal needling and electrical stimulation techniques, etc.) to desensitize the affected nerve segments, deactivate persistently painful MTrPs and alleviate chronic myofascial pain and dysfunction
Speaker Bio:
Jay P. Shah, MD is a physiatrist and clinical investigator in the Rehabilitation Medicine Department at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland USA. His interests include the pathophysiology of myofascial pain and the integration of physical medicine techniques with promising complementary approaches in the management of neuro-musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. He also completed the one-year UCLA Medical Acupuncture course and a two-year Bravewell Fellowship at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.
Jay is a well-known lecturer on mechanisms of chronic pain, myofascial pain, acupuncture techniques and other related topics. He and his co-investigators have utilized novel microanalytical and ultrasound imaging techniques that have uncovered the unique biochemical milieu and viscoelastic properties of myofascial trigger points and surrounding soft tissue.He has given many invited lectures and hands-on workshop nationally and internationally for physicians, physical therapists, osteopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and dentists, among other professional groups. His presentations integrate the fascinating knowledge emerging from the basic and clinical pain sciences in order to improve evaluation and management approaches to neuro-musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.
Jay was selected by the American Academy of Pain Management as the 2010 recipient of the Janet Travell Clinical Pain Management Award for excellence in clinical care and by the National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists as the 2012 recipient of the David G. Simons Award for excellence in clinical research.
PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE - Choose this option at the check out. The plan splits the course fee into 5 parts. The first instalment is paid when you register, and the following 4 payments are spread over March and April 2020.EARLY BIRD price ends on April 3rd.*In 2019, this event sold out well in advance... Don't wait too long to get your spot.
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