Heart Space
London E3 2QN, UK
Heart Space is a chance for you to explore being in your heart.
With three practitioners to hold the space you have a trilogy of magic and support to uncover the wisdom within you. Raquel Rios, Madeline Giles and Skyla Grayce will be guiding you on a journey to discover what it feels like to be open, unblocked and able to speak from your heart.
Blessed to be hosted by Lauren Baker Art Gallery in Hackney Wick, the space will be curated by Freya Rose in the energy of the heart, her specialism is curating conscious spaces so she will be designing the room to support and deepen our connection.
Breathwork & Plant Meditation facilitated by Madeline
Your heart’s voice is not something that can be figured out or strategize, it is received by connecting within your body and listening. Through a gentle meditation with a heart-opening tea followed by a breathwork journey to clear stuck energy, Madeline will lead experiences to calm your mind and amplify the voice of your heart. If you’ve ever heard the expression “follow your heart” and wondered … ok, but how do I do that? this experience will help! Madeline is a breathwork facilitator and herbalist. Her work guides people to experience home within their bodies. Madeline recently relocated to London from Los Angeles. She is so excited to serve and share this work in her favourite city in the whole world!
Website: www.angelicbreathhealing.com
Instagram: @madeline_giles
Healing Meditation facilitated by Raquel
Raquel helps to bring you insight from your most powerful guide, you.
She uses intuitive guidance and Life Alignment healing as part of this event.
Please allow an open mind to receive those messages, then you can decide what steps to follow in your life by being balanced in all senses, living in harmony with yourself, this will be reflected in your external world.
Raquel connects with a high consciousness in order for you to bring your own realizations, heal old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you, inspire your mind to create and live your purpose.
Website: www.raquelescobarrios.com
Instagram: @raquelescobarrios
Speaking from the heart facilitated by Skyla Grayce
In life, we can feel so much and yet so much of what we feel goes unspoken. What would it mean to you to be able to articulate the truth within your heart? How would it feel to be able to hold space for what your heart wants to say from a sincere and grounded space? So often we override the truth for a more pleasing, appropriate or appealing way. This event will open the door to a new space of possibility a chance for us to experience what it is to drop a little deeper into heart to heart communication. Together we will discover what it means to be listening to your heart and allowing your heart to speak.
Skyla is based between LA and London and works with artists, musicians and entrepreneurs on communicating the depth of their vision in a way the world can hear them. Her work cultivates a practice of listening and supports individuals in creating enough space within to be able to hear their soul speak and then have the courage to speak it.
Website: www.skylagrayce.com
Instagram: @iamskylagrayce
Curating conscious spaces, Freya Rose
Space is always something that is interacting with us. We are constantly surrounded by it, an invisible force that is silently affecting us with how we feel, and how we interact.
In this Heart Space, Freya will be curating the environment to nourish and allow us to unfold into a deeper heartfelt space within ourselves and with each other.
Freya's life long passion is to create spaces where people can feel welcomed, held and connected. She believes that the new luxury, is not just about looking good but about feeling deeply nourished, understood, recognised and connected to a space that reflects that.
Website: www.freyarosetanner.com
Instagram: @freyarosetanner
Lauren Baker Art Gallery, Swan Wharf, 60 Dace Rd, London, E3 2QN
Website: www.laurenbakerart.com
Instagram: @laurenbakerart
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