Herbalife Toronto Success Training Seminar
2180 Bayview Ave, North York, ON M4N 3K7, Canada
Boost your business momentum through the summer by attending the exciting Herbalife Success Training Seminar on August 11th!
This STS is only two weeks after the Houston Extravaganza so you know there will be a lot to talk about! "New programs, new promotions, new products" ... we will hear it all from distributors just returning from Houston and ready to explode this city!!!
Better still, we will be hearing from Executive Presidents Team member Jesse Rodriquez live via Zoom from his home in California!!! Jesse is coming to us fresh from the amazing Extravaganza in Houston, and will share his amazing story as well as where the company is going from the perspective of a "Pres Team" ON THE MOVE!!!
Like our super successful June STS, we will once again be meeting at the Lawrence Park Community Church! This location is easy to get to, has plenty of parking and easy access by the TTC! AND (weather permitting) we will have access to a beautiful outdoor patio to enjoy our shakes, and mix and mingle!
Want MORE!!! In keeping with our the Spirit of Extravaganza ... we are offering a special Early Bird ticket price of $20 per distributor up until Midnight, July 26th! Of course guests and brand new members (last 30 days) can attend for FREE!
This will be an amazing event and a great way to move your business into "high gear" in time for September! Let's GROW Toronto!!!!