I AM THE BOSS 2014 - Women Entrepreneurs
I AM THE BOSS 2014 : an inspirational event for entrepreneurial womenOur third annual event is on it's way. This Live event will be interactive, inspiring, with grounding breaking ideas and alive with possibility for everyone who attends. Be inspired by the stories from Women who have created successful businesses from the ground up. Women who have mastered entrepreneurship, being there for their family and enjoy life to the fullest. Can you have it all - find out how from 11 amazing women who will share with you how they did it and provide insights and tips on how you can do it too.In the Morning you will hear from:6 women will be interviewed and share how they started their businesses and built them to be 6 figures and beyond. Then we will have a question and answer period just for you.Then in the afternoon you will hear from:
Mandy Gilbert number 25 on the top 100 most influential women and find out how she took $10k and turned it into a $9M business.
Joanna Andros and learn how to create a powerful mind set to live a successful life and build a business to amazing levels.
Maureen Brine and find out how to be a successful entrepreneur and manage your relationships.
This event is supporting CCAA Canadian Center for Abuse Awareness - A percentage of our ticket sales will be donated to CCAA.
Tickets are $55 in advance and $75 at the door.. This includes a light lunch.One to one, up and personal interviews. Business, Personal and how they fit it all together. Women with 6 Figure incomes and up. 2013 Julie Cole Co-Founder of Mabel's LabelsTraining that makes a difference right now with Jody Steinhauer Founder of Bargains Group -- 2013 Event
Our Winners for a book writing course - From 2013 I AM THE BOSS.
And Much Much More. May 25th I AM THE BOSS
This listing has no upcoming events
General Admision includes light lunch