Industrial Energy Efficiency and Process Integration, Edmonton, April 6
Aurora Room, University of Alberta Conference Center
116 Street & 87 Avenue Lister Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2H6, Canada
A free course showing how process integration techniques and NRCan's INTEGRATION software can be used to identify energy efficiency opportunities in complex industrial plants.
Process integration analyzes the energy use of a plant or process as a whole, rather than solely considering each equipment item or energy system independently. As such, it can determine the thermodynamically minimum consumption of hot and cold utilities necessary for the plant, and provide insight into design or retrofit options that may attain these targets. Energy savings ranging from 10 to 30% are typical, even in up-to-date plants that have been subject to conventional energy audit methods, resulting in cost savings, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, water savings, and increased production throughput.
INTEGRATION software, an easy-to-use but powerful tool available for free from NRCan, assists in the application of process integration techniques to complex industrial plants with high heat requirements. INTEGRATION also includes modules for quickly evaluating heat recovery opportunities for boilers, refrigeration systems, and compression systems.
Duration: approximately 3.5 hours
Participants will be given an evaluation version of the INTEGRATION software that they can install on a laptop for use during the course.
For other free introductory courses, see