Introduction to Anti-Gravity Suspension Yoga
This workshop introduces safe and effective use of the OmGym Suspension Yoga Sling. Participants will discover how inversions and aerial movements decompress the spine, strengthen the core and achieve deep delicious stretches formerly only dreamed of. With the support of the OmGym Sling you will also be able to enter more advanced yoga poses that you may have never been able to arrive at before...safely. After 2 hours you will leave feeling invigorated, inspired, relaxed and yes, even a little bit taller!
By combining yoga with inversion therapy, aerial movement ,and strength training, with ANTI-GRAVITY SUSPENSION YOGA you will truly experience total mind-body fitness.
Here is what people are saying:
When using the OmGym, l feel like an acrobat! My body feels so strong and capable of doing so many amazing postures that I'd never be able to experience without it.
I never thought that hanging suspended upside while giving my weight completely over to gravity would decompress my spine and liberate my body to the extent that Trixie's Suspension Yoga classes have.
The number of ways of stretching and strengthening with the Omgym are limited only by one's imagination.
Proven BENEFITS you can expect:
Postural Alignment & Relief from Back Pain
Joint and Organ Decompression
Increased Oxygenation of the Brain
Stimulated Digestion & Elimination
Mood Elevation & Relief from Depression
Enhanced Relaxation & Better Sleep
Cellular Renewal & Decelerated Aging
Lymphatic Cleansing & Blood Purification
Improved Physical Agility & Spinal Mobility
In short, inversion reverses the aging forces of gravity resulting in a more youthful and beautiful you!
Saturdays 3:00-5:00 pm - ongoing
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