Learn a New Skill Workshops
Education First
22 Chelsea Manor St
Important: All workshops will happen simultaneously, so you can only attend one.
We will be hosting five separate workshops where you can learn a new skilland start working with each other. The doors will be open from 6:30pm, with workshops starting at 7pm. WorkshopsLed by: Patrizia Bertini, Director of Research & insights, Wipro DigitalTitle: Ladies' Serious Players play Lego Serious Play to explore UXIn a 2 hours' fun and creativity packed workshop, Patrizia will take participants to a seriously playful and hard fun journey using Legobricks and creative approaches. Participants will engage in a Lego SeriousPlay experience to reflect and share new insights on UX.During theworkshop participants will experience how to think with hands, exploitstorytelling and metaphors, try a different collective intelligenceapproach, and explore new dimensions of UX.Only for ladies that dare toengage with something new and creative, eager to explore UX to the nextlevel.————————————————————————Led by: Helen Rua, UX Architect, ImaginationTitle: Sketching, Storytelling and UXSketching is an important part of a UX designers skills. So come along andpractise your skills in a friendly and informal sketch workshop. We’ll bedoing some exercises to practise how we can share and communicate ideasthrough sketching and storytelling.————————————————————————Led by: Hara Mihailidou, Interaction Designer, SkypeTitle: Confidence and Self AwarenessThrough creative thinking and play we will discover ways to raise self-awareness, encourage authentic happiness and build more trust and empathywith the people that surround us. The workshop will be divided into threeparts and individuals will be able to pop over at any time.————————————————————————Led by: Dr Emmanuelle Savarit, Research Director, AnalyseConceptTitle: Introduction to fundamentals of UX Research1. in 3 digital projects ultimately fail due to not matching users' needs.New generations of users have a low tolerance and will not use slow, badlydesigned and unneeded tools. End users will expect that any digital toolmeets their needs and is integrated to their busy lifestyles.User (UX) Research helps you understand who your users are, what user needsare and what the best way to meet end user needs is.————————————————————————Led by: Gisella Fama, UX Architect, Education FirstTitle: Talk like you code! Learn the basics of HTML and CSS, make your UXdeliverables stronger and understand what developers need.This workshop will give UXers what they need to look at the pages theywireframe more from a development perspective and to understand how todiscuss solutions with developers.No previous HTML/CSS knowledge needed.Basic introduction to HTML/CSS, why it’s important to know (especially withcurrent responsive frameworks). First part: guided workshop to learn basicsand create a page (using Bootstrap). Second part: people are divided ingroups, each group is given a basic assignment and they can add on it asmuch as they want – at the end each group presents their page at the endand a “ winner" is pronounced.
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