Of Light & Darkness: German Expressionism and American Pop Culture
Hjemkomst Center
202 1st Ave N, Moorhead, MN 56560, USA
Of Light & Darkness: German Expressionism and American Pop Culture
Hjemkomst Center
Tuesday, October 15, 6-7:15PM
From the Joker to SpongeBob SquarePants to Blade Runner, German Expressionism has long held influence over the American pop culture imagination: fractured psyches, booming metropolises, and lurking monsters. Please join us for a history of German Expressionism and it's tremendous influence on American pop culture from Concordia College Assistant Professor of German, Dr. Andrea Schmidt. Then check out our exhibitions, "America's Monsters, Superheroes, and Villains: Our Culture At Play" and "War, Flu, & Fear: World War I and Clay County."
The 100th anniversary of World War I, and the birth of Weimar Germany, have brought renewed attention to visual and cultural legacies of that era across the globe. Dr. Schmidt will provide a brief introduction to the historical and industrial background of the Expressionist movement in the visual, literary, and film arts in Interwar Germany before tracing those influences in the United States, from the horror film to cartoons and comic books.
Bio: Dr. Schmidt is currently Assistant Professor of German in the Department of World Languages and Cultures at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN. Her research interests include German language cinema, literary adaptations, and heritage cultures. She recently taught a course on Weimar Cinema in the School of Film at Portland State University.
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