Pardon My French, The Tales of a Parisian Mom in Canada, at The Socap
Social Capital Theatre
154 Broadview Avenue, 2nd floor
Irisistible Productions is proud to present its one-woman-show Pardon my French, the Tales of a Parisian Mom in Canada at The Social Capital! This is the story of Iris, who moved to Canada two years ago. She shares her farcical experiences as a hypochondriac and hysterical hyper-mom, who is making her way in her new life as 1. a housewife 2. in a foreign country 3. with free healthcare.
Only recently a business woman, she mistakenly tries to run her household as a company and gets crazy. Someone is going to get fired.
The show was first presented at the Hamilton Fringe Festival in 2016
A few quotes from the audience and reviews:
"Fresh and Fun", "Recommended for anyone that has a family or came from a family." - Raise The Hammer
“Charming”, “utterly personal and universal”, “Pardon My French feels like having wine with your very funny friend” - View Magazine
“I admire your transformative qualities of character and accent. You have a formidable gift with creating a character and you are so open and vulnerable as yourself.”
“Energetic and fun!”
“I loved you energy. Good way for a man to face his couple's issue. Looking forward to hearing more about your kids' stories”
“Very entertaining!”
“I loved the whole show- a mother's and a wife's journey- just so engaging and so relatable. And very funny too! Iris is a loveable performer.”
“Great Show! Iris is awesome on stage and very funny. Keep it up girl”