[PianoLab] FOUNDRY by Eurelia Trio and Simón Pazos Quintana
The Lab at ILA
63 Light Square, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
South Australia
‘I have known love only by the sorrow it has caused’ epigraph to Glinka’s Trio Pathétique.
A foundational figure in the Russian classical tradition, Mikhail Glinka's music contrasts with that of Futurist Alexander Mosolov - famed for his work The Iron Foundry. Pianist and Mosolov scholar Simón Pazos Quintana will present two of the influential composer’s piano works, while the Eurelia Trio perform Glinka’s Trio Pathétique.
A program of extremes, presented by some of Adelaide’s most exciting emerging musicians.
5:00PM - 05:30PM = Eurelia Trio
4:30PM - 05:00PM = Simón Pazos Quintana
4:00PM - 04:30PM = Doors open