Piece of Mind: The Stage Play
Al Green Theatre
750 Spadina Avenue
“The unbelievable journey of one man’s strength in a time of his greatest weakness”
“Piece of Mind” is a thought provoking performance brilliantly written and directed by playwright and Mental Health and Addiction Specialist Colleen Taffe. It inspires audiences to be challenged by the unforeseen world of mental illness and its damaging effects of stigma, quite tangible in the black community.
We follow the life of Joshua Williams; a young black family man who is living the quintessential life. He is newly engaged to the love of his life and is well on his way to the top of his profession. Joshua is a man of great faith. But his faith is tested, when a devastating tragedy transpires and his once “normal” life causes him to question his own reality. In Joshua’s desperate attempt to hang on to fragments of truth he slowly begins to lose pieces of his own mind. This production taps into man’s aptitude for resilience and determination while demonstrating the courage and faith to survive and overcome the traumas of life.