Refresh of the Leeds Adult Social Care Workforce Strategy
Online - Microsoft Teams
Leeds, UK
Calling all Independent and Voluntary Social Care services...
The Leeds Adult Social Care Workforce Strategy was developed in 2018 and now needs a refresh. We would really like to hear your views and get your thoughts as we update the strategy.
The strategy is tailored to the 20,000+ people working in social care in Leeds. It sets out our vision, acknowledges the shared challenges we all face and gives clear priorities for action.
This is your opportunity to shape the delivery plans and make sure we remain focussed on the activities that are most needed and will make the biggest difference to the care/voluntary sector workforce in Leeds.
Leeds City Council is hosting a number of online events with colleagues from across the Independent and Voluntary sector – and we would like you to join us. The sessions are open to a range of providers that we have in the city, which include:
Home Care
Residential and Nursing Care Homes
Learning Disability and Mental Health
Day Services
Extra Care Services
Individual Employers
Shared Lives
The sessions will be held in January and February 2024. Please book your place now and encourage others in the sector to do the same.
The sessions will be hosted by Leeds City Council’s Organisation and Workforce Development team. Michelle Atkinson, Chief Officer of Leeds Care Association, will be our guest speaker and will share her thoughts around the social care workforce strategic priorities in the city and we will then open the session up for your thoughts and comments.
We would like as many providers represented as possible and ask you to register or put forward a suitable person who you feel is well placed to contribute and help us shape our city wide planning.
We want you to help us to build our Leeds-based action plans in response to each of the six regional priorities, recently developed in partnership across the region with ADASS, Skills for Care and the Local Government Association. They are:
- Strategic workforce planning:
We will develop a workforce plan, collaboratively with providers and partner organisations, to help us to identify our current and future workforce needs. It will capture new ways of working and changes in the way care is delivered.
- Growing and developing the workforce to meet future demand:
We will recruit, retain and develop a valued social care workforce that meets the needs of our communities and delivers the best quality care and outcomes.
- Enhancing the use of technology:
We will optimise the opportunities offered by digital technology to address workforce challenges and support new, more integrated and flexible ways of working.
- Wellbeing of the workforce:
We will develop workplace culture to support staff wellbeing and ensure colleagues feel valued and cared for, with working environments that are safe and productive.
- Social justice and equality, diversity and inclusion:
We will develop a more diverse social care workforce that better reflects our communities, and build inclusive workplaces where all those working in social care have equality of opportunity, dignity and respect.
- Inclusive and compassionate leadership:
We will develop our current and future managers to create a culture where diversity is valued, all colleagues feel they belong and are empowered to deliver high quality care.
Have your say:
What actions and activities would you like to see in our Leeds specific action plan?
What are your biggest challenges?
Where do you need most support?
As a city, where should we focus our efforts?
Privacy notice (data protection):
By registering your interest, you consent to Leeds City Council processing your personal data to communicate with you about attending the online event. Leeds City Council are the Data Controller of the personal data you provide and will use Universe as the data processor to manage your event registration details.
The Council’s corporate privacy notice, which includes details of the authority’s Data Protection Officer and your Information Rights is available here: You can request that we delete your data at any time by contacting
Adults and Health Organisational Development Workforce People Development Strategy Privacy Notice:
- Leeds City Council takes its obligations under the Data Protection legislation (the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018) very seriously. The information we collect from you is required to enable the Organisational Development Team to facilitate your attendance at the Workforce Strategy engagement session.
- We will not hold your information for longer than necessary and in line with data protection legislation. Your details will be stored confidentially and accessed only by members of the Organisational and Workforce Development team.
- You have rights in respect of the information we hold about you, including the right to ask for access to your information. Further information in respect of your rights is available at To exercise any of your rights, please contact:; or send to Information Management & Governance, PO Box 837, LS1 9PZ, and we will advise you of the procedure.
- By booking a training place via Universe you are indicating your agreement to work with the Organisational & Workforce Development Team and agree that your information will be processed for the purposes outlined above.
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