S.A.R.S. Live in Toronto
735 Queen St E, Toronto, ON M4M 1H1, Canada
FREE BALKAN EKSKLUZIVNO PREDSTAVLJA: S.A.R.S. po prvi put u Americi i Kanadi!Kada je davne 2006.godine legendarni gitarista Džo Satriani gostovao u Beogradu nije ni slutio da će magija njegove desnice kojom je lešio žice na "stratokasteru" biti inspiracija za ime benda koji će koju godinu kasnije postati prava muzička zaraza koja se brzinom munje proširila po celom Balkanu. S.A.R.S.(skraćeno od Sveže Amputirana Ruka Satrianija, ali i zarazna bolest respiratornih organa) su dve godine kasnije, skoro preko noći, postali megapopularni posle objavljivanja njihovog prvog singla "Buđav lebac". Spot urađen u kućnoj radinosti za kratko vreme je preplavio internet, imao milione pregleda, i naterao momke iz benda, koji su u tom trenutku razmišljali o tome da dignu ruke od muzike, da se saberu i nastave da rade. Vredelo je! S.A.R.S. je danas jedan od tri najveća regionalna ex-YU benda, iza njih su krcate hale u Beogradu, Zagrebu, Sarajevu, Splitu...uzaludno je brojati velike festivale na kojima su svirali kao headlineri, iza njih su gostovanja širom Evrope, a stigli su čak i do Australije. Posle "Buđavog lepca" usledila je galerija hitova: "Perspektiva", "Rakija", "Debeli lad", "Ratujemo ti i ja", "Klinka", "To rade", "Ti, ti, ti", "Dane brojim", "Pepeo", "Mir i Ljubav", a pesma "Lutka" je postala No1 numera uz koju mladići prose devojke ili sa njima, nakon što pristanu, plešu prvi svadbeni ples. Na njihovoj prvoj američko/kanadskoj turneji bend će nastupiti 5.oktobra u Njujorku ("The Cutting Room", 44 E 32nd St.), 6.oktobra u Torontu ("Opera House", 735 Queen St E), 7.oktobra u Čikagu ("Avondale Music Hall" ("Mambo Club") i 8.oktobra u Vašingtonu (2619 Columbia Pike, Arlington). Koncerti počinju u 8pm, a publiku čeka skoro tri sata kvalitetne svirke za sve ukuse, jer je poznato da grupa u svom opusu meša razne muzičke stilove, od pop-roka do rege i ska. Kao i na sve koncerte u organizaciji Free Balkana, pozvani su i dobrodošli svi bez izuzetka, bez obzira na versku, nacionalnu pripadnost, boju kože ili pasoša. Svi ste dobrodošli! ONE LOVE!**************************************************FREE BALKAN EXCLUSIVELY PRESENTS: Get ready for the dance, S.A.R.S. for the first time in America and Canada!When the legendary guitarist Joe Satriani played in Belgrade in 2006, he did not even suspect that the magic of his right-hand who pull the strings of his "fender stratocaster" would be an inspiration for the name of the band that will become a real musical "epidemic" all over the Balkan.S.A.R.S. (shortened from Fresh Amputated Hand of Satriani on serbian, but also a contagious respiratory disease) two years later, almost overnight, became stars after the release of their first single, "Buđav lebac". The home work video in a short time overwhelmed the Internet, had millions of reviews, and made the guys from the band, who at that moment thought about raising hands from music, to climb up and continue to work.It was worth it! S.A.R.S. is today one of biggest ex-YU bands, behind them are the great gigs in Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Split ... It is boring to count the big festivals where they played as headliners, behind them are venues all over The Europe, and they arrived even to Australia. After "Buđav lebac" came the hit gallery: "Perspektiva", "Rakija", "Debeli lad", "Pepeo", "Ratujemo ti i ja", "Klinka", "To rade", "Ti, ti, ti" ","Dane brojim", and the song "Lutka" has become the No1 track with which the young men proclaim the girls or with them, after they have agreed, dance the first wedding dance.On their first US / Canadian tour, the band will perform on October 5 in New York ("The Cutting Room", 44 E 32nd St.), Toronto on October 6 ("Opera House", 735 Queen St E) Chicago ("Avondale Music Hall" ("Mambo Club") and Washington DC on October 8 (2619 Columbia Pike, Arlington). Concerts start at 8pm and the audience can expect almost three hours of quality music for all tastes, as it is known that the group blends various musical styles, from pop-rock to reggae and ska.As with all the concerts organized by the Free Balkans, everyone is invited without exception, regardless of religious, ethnic affiliation, color of skin or passport.You are all welcome! ONE LOVE!
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S.A.R.S. Live in Toronto