Spring Boot Advanced 1 - Application Development
Im Gewerbepark 29
Im Gewerbepark 29, 92681 Erbendorf, Deutschland
This Course is for you
If you are looking for a job
College Project
You want to build your own API and sell them
You want a promotion in your current company
You want to innovate in your office work
You want to turn into Microservice Architect
Course Description
In this course you will learn about Spring Boot Hibernate, how to establish One to One, One To Many or Many to One and Many To Many Relationships between two entity classes. You will also learn about how to use MicroStream framework with Spring Boot
What you will be able to do after completing this course
You will be able to create data models for new databases with application first approach
You will be able to establish correct relationships between entity classes
You will be able to write hibernate code with ease because of the rules that you will learn as part of this course
You will be able to use MicroStream for storing and retrieving java objects to and from the local file system
You will be able to crack Hibernate related interview questions and code live in interviews for creating JPA entity classes and relationships between them