Stories of Fonta Flora: A Fireside Chat with Valaida Fullwood
Fonta Flora Brewery - Whippoorwill Farm
6751 NC-126, Nebo, NC 28761, USA
North Carolina
Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina and Fonta Flora Brewery invites the public to a fireside chat with Valaida Fullwood at the Fonta Flora Brewery at Whippoorwill Farm on Friday, Nov. 5 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Guests are encouraged to arrive at 6:00 as speaker introductions will begin promptly at 6:15 p.m.
With deep family ties in the Fonta Flora community and Whippoorwill Dairy Farm, Valaida Fullwood will be sharing personal stories and historical accounts of her family’s experiences. In 2019, Fullwood was featured in Our State Magazine in an article about the history of the Fonta Flora community.