TES Owner's Dinner @ Miller Thomson Vaughan (INVITE ONLY)
Miller Thomson, Suite 700
New Park Place, Concord, ON L4K 4R6, Canada
One of the best things we can all do as business owners is surround ourselves by other owners; others who somewhat understand what each of us are experiencing. Each and every business owner who attends our Owner Dinners have been hand picked because TES believes both the owner and the rest of the TES network will benefit from getting to know each other. There are a few rules for our Owner Dinners: No small talk. Make it clear what your agenda is and understand others' agenda. Do whatever you can to help others in the room accomplish their business goals.
TES, KPMG, Miller Thomson, BDC, Wildman & Associates, and Rogers proudly present our quarterly Owner's Dinner on May 15 at the Miller Thomson Offices in Vaughan.
Here's to growing the ecosystem and becoming a better owner!
Silver Sponsors:
Note: this event is invite only and for owners who do 5MM+ in revenue. For those who fit our criteria and are looking for an invite, please email info@TheEntrepreneurshipSociety.com. A recap from a recent Owner Dinner is here: http://www.theentrepreneurshipsociety.com/index.ph...