The Empourium: Haberdashery
100 Symes Rd, York, ON M6N 3T1, Canada
(n.) A noun relating to foolish and absurd acts often committed in a social setting, but may occur in private as well. While the origin of these shenanigans dates back to traveling salesmen selling men’s clothing in 17th century England, over time it has become more widely used to describe the aforementioned types of acts. Alcoholic beverages are a popular catalyst to the occurrence of such foolishness.
See also the synonyms: tomfoolery, hooliganism, and buffoonery.
Shenanigans indeed! We want to make The Empourium a place where all your foolhardy dreams can come true, and invite you to come and celebrate in the name of all haberdashery.
All proceeds will be going toward making The Empourium bigger and better than ever before.